2024 Entry Categories
Open to everyone within the global sport and sustainability sector and those working around it. The awards will highlight and celebrate incredible efforts from all over the world by global organisations and individuals using the power of sport to tackle the biggest issues of our time.
Celebrating a sports organisation that has more recently become strategic and increased their action and prioritisation of tackling the climate/biodiversity crisis, enabling environmental/climate justice or being more sustainable (since January 2020).
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association.
From: any country globally.
In collaboration with:
Celebrating a sports organisation that has measured, managed and reduced climate/environment impacts since January 2020 (data required), through emissions reduction, climate or nature impacts, fan behaviour change or uptake of sustainable solutions.
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a community-led organisation or initiative that has prioritised sustainability since January 2023. Using their position to reduce environmental impact as well as engaging staff, volunteers, participants, members and the local community with its efforts.
Enter this award if you are a: community, grassroots, amateur or non-league sports organisation.
From: any country globally
Celebrating an inspiring and standout project/programme that has delivered exemplary learning, education or training on climate change, sustainability, environmental/climate justice or biodiversity since January 2023.
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a standout, purpose-driven partnership that is centred on tackling or illuminating the climate/biodiversity crisis, environmental/climate justice and/or sustainability, launched since January 2023.
Enter this award if you represent the partnership and are from a: sports organisation (such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association), brand, charity, NGO, athlete.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating an innovative, standout project that has had a positive impact on the local or global natural environment, ecosystems, ecology and biodiversity, on land or sea, launched since January 2023.
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating an organisation that has prioritised sustainability in their supply chain, and driven change by including sustainability and responsibility into purchasing and procurement activity through a strategy, policy or process since January 2023.
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation such as a club, team, governing body, federation, venue, tour, competition, championship, association.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a standout, innovative product, service or solution that supports sports organisations in their sustainability, climate/biodiversity impact and/or environmental/climate justice efforts.
Enter this award if you are a: product or service provider to the sports industry.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a standout, young individual (over 18 but under 30 on 8th October 2024) who has contributed to positive change and inspired progress in sustainability, climate change, biodiversity or environmental justice within the sport sector, since January 2023.
Enter this award if you are: working within a sports organisation, a cultural movement, a community group, an NGO/charity, a brand or as an athlete, academic, entrepreneur, innovator, writer, content creator or independent.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a standout regional leader who has significantly contributed to sustainability, climate change, biodiversity or environmental justice through their leadership, and played an outstanding role in supporting sport and sustainability either regionally, nationally or across a continent.
Enter this award if you are: working within a sports organisation, a cultural movement, a community group, an NGO/charity, a brand or as an athlete, academic, entrepreneur, innovator, writer, content creator or independent.
From: any country globally (you will enter for your region).
Celebrating a standout campaign that has used the power of sport to educate, advocate, illuminate a key issue or drive collective action and behaviour change in sustainability, climate change, biodiversity or environmental justice since 1 January 2023.
Enter this award if your campaign has originated from a: sports organisation, venue, charity, NGO, broadcaster, campaign leader, association.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a standout story or content piece/series, released since 1 January 2023, that has increased awareness of or action on sport and sustainability, the climate/biodiversity crisis and/or environmental/climate justice.
Enter this award if you are a: broadcaster, journalist, publication, podcaster, charity, NGO, campaign leader, documentary maker, content creator.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a research paper, published since 1 January 2023, that shares data, information and novel or expanded insights relating to the intersection of sport and climate change, sustainability, biodiversity, nature or environmental/climate justice.
Enter this award if you are a: researcher, academic, student, scientist, professor.
From: any country globally.
Celebrating a report, published since 1 January 2023, that shares novel, updated or expanded insights into sport and its efforts in sustainability, tackling the climate/nature crisis and/or environmental/climate justice.
Enter this award if you are a: sports organisation, publisher, association, charity, NGO, researcher.
From: any country globally.