International Canoe Federation: ICF partner Starboard wins Sport Positive Awards
The International Canoe Federation’s sustainability partner Starboard has won the Climate Impact Reduction category of the 2024 Sport Positive Awards.
The Sport Positive Awards aims to celebrate sports organisations that take a stand on issues such as climate change and biodiversity.
Their latest report revealed a 49 per cent reduction in direct greenhouse emissions, while their Plastic Offset Program has collected over 900,000kg of shoreline plastic.
The ICF and Starboard have previously partnered with the Worldview International Foundation to plant mangroves in Myanmar.
To date, Starboard has planted three million mangroves, which absorb 10 times the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
“It’s all about progress, ambitions and sharing,” Starboard CEO and former Olympic windsurfer Svein Rasmussen said.
“We have proved that leading businesses and even Olympic sports can become positive for the planet.”
The partnership between ICF and Starboard involves monitoring the carbon footprints of major ICF World Championships across disciplines and offsetting those emissions using techniques like mangrove planting.
Sustainability is a key pillar within the ICF’s Fit for Future strategy with the objective of activating the paddle sport community to take climate-positive actions.
Read the full article here.